Toy Brick Rings

This is my newest collection. Each design is cast in silver using the lost wax casting method and then finished with your choice of brick and colour.

Each pebble and stone is picked on my hikes and outings. Each stone is hand drilled using a special drill and drill bit. Care and safety must be used as stones and drill bits break or burn. The stones are then matched with sterling silver in a unique design.

Walk in the Park

My favourite collection. I enjoy sifting through deadfall. I love texture and studying the different patterns each tree and branch has to offer. Each part is wrapped in sterling silver wire and finished to prevent degradation.

Each piece of the pendants are made with recycled aluminum and high quality paper called Chiyogami paper (thousand generation paper).  The aluminum and paper is cut to size and the paper is folded, wrapped and glued around the aluminum. It is then finished using several coats of non-toxic shellac.

Each bead is made using a strip of chiyogami paper. The length and shape of each strip of paper will give different beads. The paper is then tightly wound, glued and then finished with a non-toxic shellac so that all the layers of the paper bind together.

photos by Mike Warnock and Toni Hafkenscheid